This year was Josie's first "real" trick-or-treating experience. In the past we have always gone to see family and friends, but never gone door to door around the neighborhood. Josie was so excited she talked about it for about a week. She was so excited that all she has to do was ring a doorbell, say trick or treat and they would give her CANDY!!! She decided months ago that she wawnted to be a cowboy for Halloween, we tried to tell her that girls are cowgirls but she wasn't having any of it. Grandma Grant made her the most adorable skirt and vest and a quick trip to the local western wear store completed her costume, what cowgirl is complete woithout pink boots that light up? Mom chalked it up to safety, you could see her feet a mile away even in the dark. Josie made it around the block and then was ready to come home and show mom all her goodies, she was so proud!